A Jeep travelling on a mud road on a safari ride at TREES N TIGERS, TADOBA

Tadoba Jungle Safari: Best Time to Visit to Explore the Wild

Tadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserve in Maharashtra, located just 13.3 km from the property, is a dream destination for wildlife enthusiasts. Famous for its rich biodiversity and high density of Royal Bengal tigers, this reserve offers an exhilarating jungle safari experience. Whether you’re a wildlife photographer or a nature lover, Tadoba promises encounters with majestic creatures and lush landscapes, making it a must-visit.

Best Time to Visit Tadoba

When planning a Tadoba jungle safari, timing is crucial. The best months to visit are between March to June. Each season offers a unique experience.

Winter (October to February): During the winter months, the forest is lush after the monsoon rains, creating a scenic backdrop for your safari. The cool temperatures make it comfortable for long drives, though the dense foliage can make spotting tigers more challenging. The tranquil atmosphere with misty mornings adds a mystical touch to your experience.

Summer (March to June): Summer is the peak season for tiger sightings in Tadoba. As water sources dry up, animals, including the elusive tiger, gather near the remaining waterholes, increasing your chances of spotting them. The dry deciduous forest offers clear visibility, making it easier to spot wildlife. Though temperatures can be high, the thrill of seeing a tiger in its natural habitat is well worth it.

Monsoon (July to September): The park is closed during the monsoon season due to heavy rains. These months are when the forest rejuvenates, making it lush and green for the upcoming winter season. Buffer gates are open but core gates will be closed to the public.

Tadoba Safari Timings & Price

Tadoba offers two safari slots daily, and they last four hours. Check the official website for safari prices, as they vary from core areas to buffer areas.

Core Areas: 
Morning Safari: The morning safari starts at 6:00 AM and is ideal for early risers. The cool morning air and the chance to see animals at their most active make this a popular choice. The soft morning light is perfect for photography, capturing the beauty of the forest.

Evening Safari: The evening safari, beginning around 2:30 PM, extends into late evening. As the day cools, animals emerge from the shade to drink at waterholes, offering excellent viewing opportunities. The late afternoon light casts a warm glow over the landscape, creating a stunning visual experience.

Buffer Areas:
Morning Safari (6:00 AM to 10:00 AM): The morning safari is the most popular choice for wildlife enthusiasts. As the sun rises, the jungle comes alive with activity. This is the best time to spot tigers, as they are most active during the early hours. Keep an eye out for other predators like leopards and sloth bears. During this timeframe, you may also spot deer, antelope, and many species of birds.

Afternoon Safari (10:30 AM to 1:30 PM): The afternoon safari offers a different jungle perspective. While wildlife sightings might be less frequent compared to the morning, you can still encounter a variety of animals. The day's heat can lead to animals seeking shade near water bodies, so keep an eye out for elephants, water birds, and reptiles.

Evening Safari (2:30 PM to 6:30 PM): The evening safari is a magical experience. As the sun sets, the jungle transforms into a golden canvas. This is a great time to spot nocturnal animals like hyenas and civets. You might also encounter deer and other herbivores returning to their watering holes.

Wildlife to Watch For

While the Royal Bengal tiger is the star attraction, Tadoba is home to numerous other species. You may encounter leopards, sloth bears, wild dogs, and several species of deer, such as sambar and spotted deer. The park is also a paradise for birdwatchers, with over 200 species of birds, including crested serpent eagles and grey-headed fish eagles.

Tips for a Successful Safari

Advance Booking: Secure your safari permits in advance, especially during peak season.

Comfortable Clothing: Wear neutral-coloured, comfortable clothing to blend in with the environment.

Essentials: Carry sunscreen, a hat, and plenty of water, particularly during the hot summer months.

Photography Gear: Bring a good camera with a zoom lens to capture the stunning wildlife.

When visiting for the Tadoba jungle safari, Trees N Tigers is the ideal place to stay. Located within the Tadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserve, this luxury resort offers tents with private plunge pools, elevated sun decks, and a serene environment. Enjoy farm-to-table dining, bird-watching experiences, and nature trails, all while being surrounded by the natural beauty of this reserve. This pet-friendly resort provides the perfect blend of comfort and wilderness, making your Tadoba adventure unforgettable.

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A dhole sitting next to a mud road inside Tadoba National Park with dried grass behind it - Tadoba History

a close up shot of a tiger walking on the grass at Pench National Park

a bengal tiger walking on a muddy red pathway - Trees N Tigers, Tadoba

an Indian leopard looking backward at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve during daytime

a dove sitting on a branch with the moon in the background

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